MS4W - MapServer for Windows - version 4.0.5

developed by: Developed by Gateway Geomatics


Welcome to MS4W v4.0.5, the MapServer package for Windows, developed by Gateway Geomatics. MS4W is designed to get you up and running with MapServer with very little configuration.

There are some important notes about MS4W:


Please view your local README file for full documentation about your MS4W package.

Local Test Map

  • mapfile at \ms4w\apps\local-demo\
  • open map viewer in new window
  • Features

    MS4W contains default installations of Apache, PHP, MapServ, MapScript and some sample applications. It is structured in such a way as to allow upgrading individual components without affecting the install. The base installer package comes pre-configured with the following software:


    There are currently 18 MS4W addon packages installed.

    eENVplus GeoZS WMS

    eENVplus GeoZS WMS

    eWater WMS

    eWater WMS

    Geološka karta 250 WMS

    Geološka karta 250 WMS

    Geoterm WMS

    GeoZS Geoterm WMS

    MapCache Tile Server on MS4W:

  • local Demo
  • configure steps
  • project home
  • Masprem WMS/WFS

    Masprem WMS

    Mapbox Vector Tiles served through MapServer + MS4W:

  • local Demo
  • documentation home
  • OGK100 WMS

    GeoZS OGK100 WMS

    OneGeology Global WMS - Albania

    OneGeology Global WMS - Albania

    OneGeology Europe WMS - Slovenia

    OneGeology Europe WMS - Slovenia

    OneGeology Global WMS - Slovenia

    OneGeology Global WMS - Slovenia

    OneGeology Global WMS - BIH

    OneGeology Global WMS - BIH

    OneGeology Global WMS - Serbia

    OneGeology Global WMS - Serbia

    PanGeo WMS - Slovenia

    PanGeo WMS - Slovenia

    pycsw Catalogue Service through MS4W:

  • local catalogue GetCapabilities
  • configure steps
  • project home


    Tinyows WFS-Transaction Service through MS4W:

  • tinyows.exe
  • local Demo
  • configure steps
  • project home
  • Vrtine WMS

    GeoZS Vrtine WMS